Guests – Episode 2 – Grow your Audience with Ferol Vernon of Written Word Media

Today I’m talking to Ferol Vernon of Written Word Media. And what an interview – there’s so many great nuggets of information in the episode for those who need to get more eyes on their books – i.e. every author!!!
Written Word Media work with both major publishers and indie authors, with a simple way to connect their books with the right readers – and of course to help readers discover new work they may want to read.
As well as a wealth of information on their site, they cover different target markets under different brands such as Bargain Booksy, Free Booksy, New In Books, and Red Feather Romance.
Ferol goes through a number of things you can do to make sure people want to buy your book (and various marketing tips for things such as book series, writing good blurb, advance promotions etc) , and make the best use of this remarkable service that Written Word Media offer, and which of their brands you are best to use for different situations.
And watch out for Ferol’s inspiring pep talk towards the end… Every struggling author should listen to this, and take heart.
Find out more about Written Word Media at
About the Author
I'm an author of fiction and non-fiction books under various pseudonyms (in various states of publication / prevarication), and also creator of the Storizzi software for authors. It's a real joy to be able to talk to so many creative and entrepreneurial people as part of this podcast - Which is why I am 'paying it forward' by making them available to kind people like you!