Mel – Episode 4 – Soothing Smoothies Cure All Ills

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Today we’re talking with Mel Carpenter aka The Mummy Trainer, who is a fitness tutor and personal trainer of over 25 years experience who specialises in helping pre and post natal mums balance their life as mums with keeping healthy through fitness. Fitness for real people!
Mel has a story to tell, and a business to develop, and as you’ll discover on this journey, both of these things are really, really important.
Mel’s been super-busy despite fighting off a cold with a super-smoothie!
She’s doing lots of background reading (and more post-it notes than pages!), and is planning a Webinar on mobile social media marketing targeted specifically at her industry.
She has 14 headings for the course, which will potentially become a book as well once it’s done.
Suggested looking at Scrivener as it has a good non-linear way of working.
You can find Mel at where you’ll find articles and videos, as well as on social media links – Find Mel on FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram and on Pinterest.
About the Author
I'm an author of fiction and non-fiction books under various pseudonyms (in various states of publication / prevarication), and also creator of the Storizzi software for authors. It's a real joy to be able to talk to so many creative and entrepreneurial people as part of this podcast - Which is why I am 'paying it forward' by making them available to kind people like you!