Ramona – Episode 4 – On The Final Stretch…?

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Today we’re talking to Ramona Rice of Spapreneur, who works with spa owners to help them to maximise their business potential and get their word out to customers through a variety of approaches. The story of Ramona and her Mother and their spa adventures is a story in it’s own right.
Ramona has another story though. Tragedy rocked her world and changed her life forever. Now Ramona is determined to help others who are going through a similar experience, by telling her story with wit and truth. While working on four new books for her business community.
Pomodoro is proving to be really helpful, with Ramona finding that two pomodoros of writing and one of research working well for her.
I mention that I’m resurrecting my Storizzi software, and offer to help check out formatting etc on an existing book.
Talked a little about getting Spapreneurs involved with launch and initial reviews – Will need to set up an Amazon account for publishing soon.
Starting to get real… Time to find an editor?
- Be Focused – Pomodoro App – Apple iOS App Store
- Clockwork Tomato – Pomodoro App – Android Google Play Store
- Get Focus 10 – Pomodoro App – Windows Store
- Be Focused – Pomodoro App – Mac App Store
- Setting up your Amazon Author Central Account
You can follow Ramona at www.spapreneur.com where you’ll find the spapreneur blog, resources, and more, as well as social media links – just search for spapreneur on twitter, pinterest, instagram or FaceBook.
About the Author
I'm an author of fiction and non-fiction books under various pseudonyms (in various states of publication / prevarication), and also creator of the Storizzi software for authors. It's a real joy to be able to talk to so many creative and entrepreneurial people as part of this podcast - Which is why I am 'paying it forward' by making them available to kind people like you!